Archive for Nik software

Fall Colors

Here is an image that shows the great fall colors of the Mid-West that we just don’t get to enjoy in California.  Image was processed using the various filters of Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4.  If you do not own this, do not hesitate to purchase at  You can use the discount code SCVPHOTOCENTER to receive 15% off your purchase of any Nik product.

Fall Leaves GR

Macro Image takes 1st Place in Print Competition

Very cool to announce that our image “Into the Center” image won 1st place in the Macro division of the SCVPA Print Competition.  The image was captured at the Frederik Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan during this past year.

Into the Center

Black & White Photography Workshop Update

JUST ADDED:   Nik Software is providing a 1 FREE copy of their awesome software Silver Efex Pro to be given away during the Black & White workshop.

Digital Silver Imaging is providing an 11×14 Fiber Print of your image to one lucky winner as well.  Also, Digital Silver Imaging is providing a 25% discount coupon to all attendees of the Black & White workshop.

So hurry on over to our January 2011 workshop page and sign up today, and just maybe you will go home with an awesome giveaway, not to mention the added knowledge gained from David in our Black & White Photography workshop on January 13, 2011.

HDR Images with HDR Efex Pro from Nik Software

I have been experimenting with Nik Software’s new HDR Efex Pro.  I am really liking the results and the ease of use in using this new software.  Nik has also incorporated the U-Point technology that is in many of their other programs, so making local adjustments instead of global adjustments is very easy.

If you are interested in purchasing the software, then head over to www.niksoftware .com and during checkout, put in the discount code of SCVPHOTOCENTER and receive a 15% discount on ALL Nik products.

Here are a few examples using the new HDR Efex Pro software:





Software Discounts

In an effort to help out Los Angeles Photographers in these tough times, the SCV Center for Photography has obtained discounts from some popular vendors.  Nik Software will give a 15% discount, onOne Software has agreed to a 20% discount and Photomatix a cool 15% discount.  See our resource page for the links and discount codes to all of these popular plugins.